Objective: Sniper

The boss hired an army of snipers to hide around and target any threats to their plans, including you. Take out the snipers before they take you out.

The sniper objective is this table's equivalent to the regular multiball. To complete the objective, take out the snipers by collecting a cumulative 50 jackpots in chaser multiballs (multiplied jackpots count as multiple jackpots. For example, a 20X jackpot counts as collecting 20 jackpots).


The jackpot value starts at 250,000. The pop bumpers increase the jackpot at any time by 5,000 per hit.

The jackpot will reset to 250,000 either when chaser 2-ball is started and failed or sniper multiball is finished.

Readying Sniper

To ready the scoop or left orbit for Sniper 2-ball, you must spell SNIPER at the crossbow; every hit of the crossbow in normal gameplay will spell one letter. Once SNIPER is spelled, both the left orbit and the right scoop are lit to lock your ball and start Sniper 2-ball.

Note: If the scoop is lit for anything else (such as a training session, mini-boss, starting DRAGON, etc), this takes priority and the scoop will not be lit for lock. Also, if VIKING is ready for the left orbit, this will take priority over sniper lock for the left orbit.

Sniper 2-ball / Standoff Multiball

To start Sniper 2-ball (also known as standoff multiball), shoot the scoop or left orbit when it is lit for lock. Two balls will come on the playfield, and a ball shield of Armor Class seconds will begin. And all main shots will be flashing white to score a quick 100,000 points each.
  • In Sniper 2-ball, shoot the left orbit (to the vertical kicker) or the right scoop to lock a ball / lock on to the sniper with your crossbow.
  • Then, quickly shoot the other ball in the other shot within 15 seconds to lock the second ball / shoot the sniper.
  • Locking both balls in time strikes the sniper which sounds the alarm for other snipers to attack. This starts the main multiball.
  • Running out of time results in the sniper moving position and your ball being kicked out, requiring you to lock it again.
If you drain either of your balls in 2-ball, you fail Sniper multiball (there are no grace periods). The sniper strikes you with their crossbow resulting in you taking damage, the jackpot resets to 250,000, and you must start over again spelling SNIPER to get back into 2-ball to try again. The damage you take depends on the game difficulty selected:
  • Zen and Easy: -10 HP
  • Normal: -15 HP
  • Hard and Impossible: -20 HP

Sniper Multiball

When you start the main multiball, it turns into a 3-ball with a (2 * armor class) second ballsave, and one of 10 different multiball variations listed below will be randomly selected. The jackpots depend on which variation you are given:

The requested catalog category does not exist. It may have never existed or may have been deleted.

Summon a Team Member (Add-a-Ball)

You can add a ball to multiball (summon a team member) via deploying a power-up with the action button during Sniper multiball. This also activates an Armor Class seconds ball shield. However, if you already have 5 balls in play, this will award 20X jackpot instead.

Last Hurrah

When you drain all but one ball in Sniper multiball, you receive a 10-second "Last Hurrah" grace period, which gives you 10 seconds to make any last attempts at jackpots before multiball ends. If you deploy a power-up to add a ball during Last Hurrah, it is canceled and multiball continues.

Defeating the Sniper

Once you defeat the Sniper, the flippers freeze / multiball ends. You are asked if you want to spare/humble the snipers in an attempt to gain them as allies, or you can kill them.


After Objective Completion

After completing the Sniper objective, you can continue starting Sniper multiballs. However:
  • SNIPER multiball switches to a lock-ball mechanic; no more 2-ball. Spell SNIPER to light both locks. Lock a ball (which turns that lock light solid and turns off the other lock light). Spell SNIPER again to re-light the other lock. Shoot that lock to lock the second ball. Spell SNIPER a third time to then start multiball.
  • These SNIPER multiballs come with a ball shield of 3 * Armor Class seconds instead of 2 * AC.
Every additional jackpot collected (including multipliers) will earn you 1 HP towards Potion Motion.