
Saving Wallden is an original Visual Pinball X game. Your goal is to save the town of Wallden and the King and Queen from hostile takeover. The table features a simple layout but a deep rule set. And be careful because your choices matter!

Here, you can read up in-depth about this pinball table and how to play it. Please be aware that these may change at any time as updates to the table are released. Furthermore, until the table comes out of alpha, the table may be missing some or many of the features written in these rules.

Please leave a comment on the official table threads if you have any feedback or suggestions for the game play mechanics / rules.


Saving Wallden has a lore / story line. The game play pages (except this introduction page) may heavily spoil some of the lore and game play in the table. For some, it may be in the best interest to play the game before you read the rules for the best experience. The choice is yours. This spoiler warning will be repeated on sections that are particularly spoiling of the table lore / game play.

The Rules Card

  • Shoot flashing letters to spell words.
  • Spell words to start objective features.
  • Follow instructions to complete objectives.
  • Complete objectives for mini wizard modes.
  • Complete the FINAL BOSS for Judgment.
  • Light the gems to collect a powerup.
  • Light the lanterns to progress BONUS X.

Lore in a Brief

You are an adventurer in the medieval era. Your quest is to save a town named Wallden who is under seige by numerous monsters. The "boss" destines to launch a full-scale invasion of the castle and overthrow the king and queen, seizing the entire town under a dictatorship and creating much bloodshed. You follow the guidance and training of an experienced guard and meet up with other comrades who will join you on your quest.
Are you the Chosen One and have what it takes to defeat the "boss" and their army of monsters? Find out in Saving Wallden!

Flow Chart

If flow charts are your thing, here is a flow chart of the game play rules (features with an X over them have not yet been implemented):

Saving Wallden Rules Chart

Physical Table Features

This table features the following "physical" components:
  • 2 lower flippers + 1 upper right flipper
  • 2 inlanes + 2 outlanes
  • 2 slingshots
  • 3 pop bumpers + 3 bumper inlanes
  • 2 shots for a large orbit with diverters to the bumpers
  • 2 shots for a small orbit / "horseshoe"
  • 2 ramps
  • 1 scoop
  • 1 gobble hole / trap door hole
  • 1 spinner
  • 1 Vertical Up Kicker (diverted from the left orbit)
  • 1 triangle captive ball which can hit any of 3 standup targets
  • bank of 5 standup targets
  • bank of 3 drop targets
  • 30 post drop targets scattered around the playfield
    • These can be used both as obstacles or targets to hit
  • Many color-changing illumination bulbs
  • In-playfield DMD and segment displays
  • Shaker motor

Other Notable Features

Here are some other notable features of this table regarding game play and other non-physical attributes:
  • All assets used in the table are either Creative Commons, Public Domain, or original creations of our awesome contributors.
  • This table is story driven and the game play is quite long, but there's something for every player from the beginners to the wizards
    • The idea of story driven is inspired a bit by Three Angels from Blindmankind
    • Every objective has a mini-wizard for completing it to reward players even if they don't complete the full act.
    • Estimated time to complete all objectives and Judgment is about 1.5 hours.
  • Gameplay varies a bit depending on the decisions of the player; there are 7 possible outcomes in Judgment based on the decisions made.
  • Games are randomized a bit to add variety. However, Wallden is tournament-friendly (can accept a seed number which makes every player get the same sequence of modes / shots every game) and competitive friendly (even if no seed is specified and each game is randomized, every player in the same game has the same mode / shot sequences)
  • 7 primary objectives, a final boss battle, and 7 possible Judgments (wizard modes).
  • 25 TRAIN modes (only 9 in total need to be played for the objective) + 3 mini boss battles
  • Instead of a traditional lock 3 balls for multiball, lock a ball to start quick 2-ball, then lock both balls again within 15 seconds of each other to start the full multiball.
    • Inspired by the Simpsons Data East
  • 10 jackpot rule variations of the main multiball feature (SNIPER)
  • Lots of other multiballs other than SNIPER multiball, varying from 2 to 5 balls
  • Health / HP instead of a balls per game system
    • Draining a ball = taking damage
    • Outlanes, scoring 0 in TRAIN modes, and nudging too hard increase the amount of damage taken for subsequent drained balls
    • No extra balls, but you can increase your health with the +HP drop targets and other ways as noted in the rules
    • Special "Death Save" when you run out of HP for a chance to keep the game going. If you fail, the game is over.
    • No TILTs / TILT warnings. Instead, each time you nudge too hard, you take HP damage and the drain damage goes up.
  • Armor Class stat, which determines the time of your ballsaves / shields.
  • A few secret multiballs / wizards.
  • Cooperative play (co-op mode) option available where every player works with each other, not against each other.